Walking Tour Sv. Ivan - island Losinj

  • Cena 55 €

Trenutno ni načrtovanih odhodov.

The starting point of the walking tour is on the Rovenska beach, and after a brief chat about the tour we are ready for the walk. We walk towards St Anne's, across the Napoleonic road to the hill of St Ivan. Then there is a short break for photographs and refreshments. We resume our walk in the direction of Mali Lošinj to the Providenca themed belvedere. We stop and have free time to enjoy exploring the nature trail and a breathtaking panorama. We then descend to Veli Lošinj. There is also the possibility of organised transport from Providence to the agreed location (hotel, flat, back to Veli) upon request.

This excursion is not overly demanding and is also recommended for families.

Trije razlogi, zakaj gosti rezervirajo namestitev prek naše agencije.

Družinska agencija

Nahajamo se v osrčju Velega Lošinja in osebno poznamo vsakega domačina.

Preverjena namestitev

Vse naše namestitve so osebno preverjene in vpisane v našo bazo podatkov.

Pomagamo skupnosti.

Podpiramo lokalne projekte, ki pomagajo ohranjati živali in njihov življenjski prostor.